Repair and Restoration services by Frank Elder of Creaions By Elder a full service stained glass studio

The above photos are just one example of the type of repairs I can do. Generally speaking, if it is made of stained / art glass and is broken, I can fix it and breath new life into it for many generations to come.
I am versed in the repair of turn of the century stained glass, traditional leaded panels, copper foil panels, Tiffany style lamps, beveled glass panels, brass and copper panels, kaleidoscopes, jewelry boxes, suncatcher's and more.
Utilizing techniques that I have acquired over three decades I can repair everything from the simplest suncatcher to turn of the century works of art that contain advanced techniques such as painting and firing, staining, plating and more.
I am available for onsite consultation services and can generally give you an idea of cost of services by seeing some detailed photos of the pieces with issues. I can provide full restoration and conservation services for turn of the century works as well as assist in documentation of the pieces. Contact me for details and pricing.
I can do repairs of entryways (door inserts, sidelights, transom windows), cabinet door inserts, window inserts, religious windows, etched glass (including multi-layered sandblast etched and acid etched), beveled glass, painted glass, fused glass, and more...
I look at doing a project with you as a partnership, and I will give you an honest and straight forward assessment your project and what it will entail.
The sad part is that today there are fewer and fewer full service studios around that can actually do all the work for you turn key. There are very few limitations that I have and I do provide a full turn key service for you.
For example, there are many studios out there that only practice what is commonly referred to as the "Tiffany Style" technique, in other words, copper foil only production. They either have no knowledge or limited knowledge of other techniques such as leading, hard came usage (i.e. zinc, copper, brass etc...), proper rebar (reinforcement) usage, etc... This limits their ability to create works that will stand the test of time and last generation after generation without the need for repair and rework.
I offer a mobile restoration service for large scale projects, by utilizing a mobile studio I am not limited to one region which means I can come to your location and affect repairs. With the lack of studios available many times clients risk additional breakage just due to the fact of having to pack and ship their pieces to a studio for repair, in addition that also adds to the cost of the repair and restoration. This service is available for long term restorations as well, where the restoration process may take several months. This also solves logistical issues of materials and supplies as well as making the communication process during the restoration process with the client far more efficient, they can see progress first hand without relying on emails, telephone calls etc... Utilizing space that the client has available as a "staging area" is also possible by doing this. One other aspect of doing large scale repairs and restorations like this is that it also promotes "keeping the money local", in other words if I am there locally doing the work that means some of that money being paid to me is actually going back into your local community for lodging, food etc...
I can generally work within most budgets and can create a workable plan of action to help you achieve your goals. I look at my service to you being a long term commitment.
I also do something which many studios do not, which is to credit back a portion of the charge to do a detailed onsite assessment of your project. When you decide to go forward with the project I will credit back 50% of what you paid for an onsite assessment.
I have a very large stock of glass with over 700 sheets of glass in stock, which also includes some very rare out of circulation glass. I also carry several hundred bevels in stock as well as faceted jewels and other sundries. With hundreds of patterns and pattern books in stock I can sit down with you and create an estimate utilizing any design element you wish to include.
I am available to travel anywhere. This includes within the United States and internationally.
Leading (Traditional leaded glass work using lead construct as well as zinc, copper, brass and more)
Copper foil (Tiffany style)
Dalle de verre glass (aka faceted slab glass)
English weaving (a solderless technique of construction where all but he border is "woven")
Beveled and custom beveling
Etching (multi layer sandblast etching as well as acid etching)
Carving (carving into thick glass using a sandblaster which gives depth and detail)
Torch work (aka lamp working and glass bead making)
Kiln work (fusing and slumping)
Painting and firing (age old techniques that allows the addition of detail to glass via painting and then firing in kiln)
3 dimensional work (kaleidoscopes, boxes, lampshades and sculptural type work)
Restorations (skilled in the restoration of turn of the century works)
Repairs (if it is broken, I can almost always fix it)
You can contact me by phone at 479-595-6110
You can also contact me by email at
If you are inquiring about repairs, please attach several photos of the item if at all possible. And if possible, please give a shot or two with light (sun light is preferred) coming through the piece.
I have been doing Stained Glass work, and working with glass as a medium, off and on since 1988. I was very heavy into art while in school which lead my shop trades teacher to ask me if I would volunteer some of my time to do artwork and help in the production of some stained glass panels for a display to compete in a state championship for VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).
I said yes and found myself working in a local stained glass studio, with one of the sweetest little ole ladies around, her name was Beatrice Stebbing. I guess she saw something in me because she contacted me and asked me if I would like to come to work for her, and I said yes. So while still in High School I started working for her, and there began my career in stained glass.
In the years since I have worked for other studios as well as operating my own studio for many years.
I am known for my unique 3 dimensional glass sculptures as well as very unique one of a kind designs. I enjoy creating "interactive" art, which is why you will find me creating items such as; pyramids that open, wands that can be held or sculptures that contain kaleidoscopes, which promotes the "viewer" of the art to actually interact with the art.
I utilize age old techniques and combine those techniques with modern materials. Adding to that my years of experience, my goal is to create works of art that will stand the test of time, which will allow them to be handed down from generation to generation.
If you are wanting a custom piece created, or have a piece that is damaged and requires repair, contact me for a quote.
Growing up in Northwest Arkansas ( NWA ) I consider this area my home. I currently reside in Northeast Oklahoma and still consider the Ozarks my home. I am available and can provide service anywhere, for any project. My work can be found through out the United States and internationally.
To contact me you can email at
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