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Price: $2950.00 (does not include shipping)
This is my second piece in the Dreaming in Glass series. It is framed in red oak and I created a free standing framework for the piece so that it can be displayed as a free standing sculpture. It can also be removed from the legs and hooks put in the primary frame to hang in a window.
You will never find another piece like this and this piece encompasses some advanced techniques and attention to detail.
Areas such as the night sky were actually cut out of one solid sheet of glass. These cuts were made by hand, using time honored techniques. No saws were used in the construction of this piece. By cutting areas such as this out of one solid sheet of glass it allowed me to give continuity to the flow and grain of the glass. The glass that I chose for the night sky I chose particularly because it conveys the feel of an aurora. Also, had I not cut it out of one solid piece of glass and made sure that the grains matched up, I just would not have gotten the effect I wanted.
In other areas I also made sure to use solid pieces of glass that allowed the grains to have continuity as well. By doing this I got the effect I wanted, but it did create a higher amount of "waste" glass since I was cutting it so particularly. This is the level of detail I give to projects such as these.
There is some glass in this piece that I do not think is in production anymore and was fortunate to be able to get my cuts right the first time, so I did not run out of that glass.
Art glass is so unique by nature, it took me time to actually pick out specific sections of the sheets of glass, to use in specific areas of the piece.
Also in this piece you will see that I did a technique called plating, where I added a layer of another type of glass, to the backside of the piece, to add a specific effect to specific areas. This is a very time consuming process, but well worth it. It is a process that was really pioneered by Louis Comfort Tiffany and John LaFarge. Many historians credit Louis Comfort Tiffany for perfecting its uses.
The construction is leading.
The dream catcher contains 4 vintage pressed jewels within its border. And the border glass is an iridized glass, that when light reflects off of it reflects a beautiful oily sheen.
The interior of the dream catcher is open and contains some very detailed wire work. The fine copper wire adds a "shininess" to the web work, that gives the piece some wonderful depth when viewed at various angles. Within that wire work are custom made glass beads. The beads are simple in shape but contain a significant amount of detail within each bead. When you look closer at the beads you will find swirls of color, some have swirls of gold aventurine glass, others may have bubbles that sparkle as light is transmitted, etc...
There is also a quartz "Moai" statue in the center of the dream catcher being held in place with decorative soldering.
These various elements gives this piece a depth that is visually stunning.
In addition, the open architecture of the dream catcher means that the viewer can "look out" to the sky beyond. What this does is give yet another "dimension" to the piece. Imagine this piece hanging or placed in a window in such a way as to allow the viewer to see their night sky through this piece, as an backdrop to the night sky portrayed in the piece itself.
I was very selective in my choice of glass, as I wanted the piece to have distinct looks when it had transmitted light as well as reflective lighting. Those that are familiar with art glass understand that by nature the glass can take on different looks/appearances due to the lighting situation. By choosing not only the glass as a whole, but also the areas within those sheets of glass, the way I did, the piece has very distinct looks with transmitted light versus reflective light.
My goal is to create a piece of art that you can hand down to the next generation and beyond. They are made in my studio by hand, in the good ole USA. In addition, I try to source my materials from the USA that I use in these works of art.
Approximate size is: Overall size of the panel without legs is approximately 27 inches wide x 39 inches tall. With the legs attached the approximate size is 28 inches wide x 63 inches tall x 30 inches deep.
I am available for custom work as well. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Remember, when you purchase from an independent artist, you are supporting someone that has worked hard to develop their skills, knowledge and creativity. With those dollars, the artist is able to pay their bills, buy food for their family and in return keep those dollars in the local market.
I appreciate all of you who have purchased my work and are about to, without you I could not do this!
Contact me for any additional photos of this piece. (scroll down for more photos) and for S/H charges. I also ship internationally.
Do not use a cleaning product that contains ammonia as this will create oxidation (a white powdery build up on the metal) of the piece. A soft cloth and mild dishwashing detergent may be used, wring out excess and dry immediately.
I have been doing Stained Glass work, and working with glass as a medium, off and on since 1988. I was very heavy into art while in school which lead my shop trades teacher to ask me if I would volunteer some of my time to do artwork and help in the production of some stained glass panels for a display to compete in a state championship for VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).
I said yes and found myself working in a local stained glass studio, with one of the sweetest little ole ladies around, her name was Beatrice Stebbing. I guess she saw something in me because she contacted me and asked me if I would like to come to work for her, and I said yes. So while still in High School I started working for her, and there began my career in stained glass.
In the years since I have worked for other studios as well as operating my own studio for many years.
I am known for my unique 3 dimensional glass sculptures as well as very unique one of a kind designs. I enjoy creating "interactive" art, which is why you will find me creating items such as; pyramids that open, wands that can be held or sculptures that contain kaleidoscopes, which promotes the "viewer" of the art to actually interact with the art.
I utilize age old techniques and combine those techniques with modern materials. Adding to that my years of experience, my goal is to create works of art that will stand the test of time, which will allow them to be handed down from generation to generation.
I am skilled in not only the production, but the instruction of the following;
- Leading (Traditional leaded glass work using lead construct as well as zinc, copper, brass and more)
- Copper foil (aka Tiffany style)
- Dalle de verre glass (aka faceted slab glass)
- English weaving (a solderless technique of construction where all but he border is "woven")
- Beveled and custom beveling
- Etching (multi layer sandblast etching as well as acid etching)
- Carving (carving into thick glass using a sandblaster which gives depth and detail)
- Torch work (aka lamp working and glass bead making)
- Kiln work (fusing and slumping)
- Painting and firing (age old techniques that allows the addition of detail to glass via painting and then firing in kiln)
- 3 dimensional work (kaleidoscopes, boxes, lampshades and sculptural type work)
- Restorations (skilled in the restoration of turn of the century works)
- Repairs (if it is broken, I can almost always fix it)
If you are wanting a custom piece created, or have a piece that is damaged and requires repair, contact me for a quote.
Growing up in Northwest Arkansas ( NWA ) I consider this area my home. I currently reside in Northeast Oklahoma and still consider the Ozarks my home. I am available and can provide service anywhere, for any project. I ship through out the United States as well as Internationally.
To contact me you can email at
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